Introducing The New Paint Zoom™ 3000 Platinum Series Paint Sprayer
Your Ultimate Professional Painting Machine
FAST, EASY, POWERFUL, NO MESS and SAVES TIME & MONEY! Now you can paint like a pro and say goodbye to rollers, brushes and the mess of paint trays while getting the best coverage quickly and easily—and try it risk free for 30 days!
Features & Benefits
- New and improved model
- One-touch operation cuts your paint time in half
- Advanced spray technology delivers one-coat coverage
- Just point, spray and paint
- Ultra light and portable
- Industrial-strength, commercial motor
- Reach tight corners and angles with 3-way direct-dial sprayhead
- No-drip application for easy cleanup.

- 3 way spray attachment with container
- 1 year warranty
- 700 watt motor
- Instructional manual
Before & After PaintZoom™ – See the difference!

3 Way Spray Head Makes Perfect Painting Easy!

Wide horizontal spraying

Wide vertical spraying

Pin-point setting (for tight spots)
No More Messy Painting!
Now you can paint like a pro and say goodbye to rollers, brushes and the mess of paint trays, while getting the best coverage quickly and easily. With your Paint Zoom™️ paint sprayer, all you need to do is point, spray and paint. Now you can paint, stain or vanish just like a pro.
Paint Zoom™️ does the hard work for you – painting in just minutes instead of the hours you’d need with a brush and roller – with no drips or errors. Paint on any surface you want, indoors and outdoors!